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Whoops They Did It Again…

Clients started coming in with their 1095-A forms that report their payments and subsidies for the Affordable Care Act these past few weeks.  Since we did both our clients tax returns and their health applications, I was just beginning to pat myself on the back for...

Tax Accountants–Expect Long Delays

A recent Bloomberg article states that the IRS will answer fewer than half the calls it receives this year.  Hold times will be 30 minutes or longer.  My tax accountant friends and myself are reporting hold times of over 2 hours when the voice announcements...

Whoops I blew It Part II

No one who has ever received a letter from the IRS can deny how it makes your heart race and go pitty pat super-fast!  Here are another 5 common mistakes that can result in a “nasty gram” from the IRS letter generating machine: 8. Not taking education credits...