The next blog will focus on your business Covid-19 recovery plan. This one focuses on your personal recovery plan. Over the past 3 months we’ve fallen into some habits that we might need to snap out of or we might need to keep. Take a personal assessment of these habits. Assess them and put them in the Keep or Toss Column. This could be everything from sleeping in late to more frequent family dinners, to saved money (and maybe ate healthier?) by not eating out so much. Assess your goals for the next 3 months, 6 months 1 year and 3 years. Where would you like to be as a person/family. Strategize on how you can reach these goals. Tactically, write down specific things you have to do to make those goals become reality. If you don’t S.O.S. (Stop, Observe and Shift), we are doomed to stay in the ditch longer than if we do a double check and take action–even micro action over time can achieve amazing progress. Business goals fit into personal goals. But personal goals should be your guiding light and driver to lead you forward into the future with your professional goals being part of the strategy /tactics to get you there. Beware the tail doesn’t wag the dog.