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Want A bigger refund?

Your refund is a function of your income, your deductions and your withholdings. Some people don’t want to have the IRS hold on to even a penny of their money for the year. Other people want to adjust their withholdings to cover future expenses like property tax, paying off Christmas bills, paying for a small home improvement or just as a way of forcing them to save. With the tax code put in place under President Trump, it isn’t as easy as it used to be to adjust these parameters. We’d be happy to work with you to meet your expectations.

Find out when your IRS refund will arrive Click here

Ameri Tax Service is dedicated to providing quality tax preparation, planning and budgeting. We’ve been doing it since 2001. We try our best to get to know you well so that we can be proactive in tax planning that is personalized....

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East Long Beach


Bixby Knolls




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