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retirement Planning

We all need to get better at looking forward to the future and doing a better job of moving the pieces around so we can live the life we want. Technology makes us look at our money less (e-statements) and spend it more easily (Amazon, Streaming Ads, Apps, Self-Help Stock Brokerages). We need to have strategies in place so these important aspects of our lives are regularly managed. From building you a budget to developing savings plans for the future to life insurance and long-term revenue streams like annuities.

Call and request a Personal Financial Check with Trish 562 434-4725. We can help you get a handle on it. The first appointment takes about 90 minutes. License # OK78166

Ameri Tax Service is dedicated to providing quality tax preparation, planning and budgeting. We’ve been doing it since 2001. We try our best to get to know you well so that we can be proactive in tax planning that is personalized....

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East Long Beach


Bixby Knolls




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