We are continuously working on improving and optimizing the accessibility of our site to make it easier for you to shop. If you encounter any issues today preventing you from making a purchase, please call our Customer Service at 562.434.4752, 562.999.1846, 661.733.7370 and they will be able to assist you in placing an order. We apologize for any inconvenience. Check ADA Accessibility Statement.

The IRS has extended the Federal tax dealing to July 15th for both filing (without an extension) as well as paying without interest or penalties accumulated. This is good for persons up to $1,000,000 and corporations for up to $10,000,000.

Why file NOW anyway…Get your refund as soon as possible. Consider it in your strategy to get through these tough times. Have the funds in hand when you need them.

Why file NOW if you owe…Find out what you owe. Consider the amount you owe in your long terms strategy to get back on your feet when this is over. Don’t wait to July to develop your “get out alive” strategy for Covid-19 interruptions.