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Tax Relief We Should Demand…

As the 3rd round of tax relief goes through the Congress and Senate kicking and screaming, here are some things us small fry should demand as well so we come out well on the back end… Tax on unemployment benefits should be waived for 2020 and 2021. As we collect...

Are you wearing a mask?

Wearing a mask is not about whether you are sick or not. It it not even about whether you care if you get sick or not because you could get over it quickly. Wearing a mask is a sign of respect. It is acknowledging that for some people out there this is incredibly...

What one family is dealing with…

We are just one family in America. I am sure every family has its tales. Send yours to us in an email to Trish@AmeriTaxCA.com. Right right now this is how Covid-19 has affected us. Just sharing. We have two college-age girls. One was called back from her study abroad...